Observant little ...

I don't understand the answer, but I may have some ideas on the question...

I've been linked!

Last week, I was browsing a couple of sites linked from other people's blogs and came across The Uncivil Litigator, who was actually kind enough to not only welcome me to via a specific post, but to include a link to me within the post... I'm so proud! ;o)

In other news, I haven't posted for a few days because I've been down with the 'flu - very nasty strain it seems - I've been sick since Sunday and still don't feel too brilliant. One of the nice things about working in policy is that:-

(a) I was able to do quite a lot of work from home, so I'm only taking two days of sick leave instead of three; and

(b) I didn't come back to three days worth of work I now have to finish in one day - everything just gets put on hold while I'm away.

All this and they pay me well for it too. I must be mad wanting to go back to a pure legal position...

Thinking of which, I found out this morning that I have made it to interview on both of the PO4 jobs that I applied for. Unfortunately, I have the interview for one of them today!! Eeeek! Apparently, I have 15 minutes to prepare for some job specific questions and then the interview itself. Considering I'm still feeling pretty off with the 'flu, I'm not really looking forward to it! Thankfully, the other one is a couple of weeks away yet, so I have more time to prepare for it.

My Weekend

Last weekend ended up being pretty quiet. Stayed in Friday night, was supposed to go shopping on Saturday but never made it, and stayed in (bed) Sunday.

The only outing was Machine Translations on Sat night with the K couple. I really wish I had been feeling better and could have enjoyed it more. Unfortunately, the K couple were also feeling tired, so we weren't exactly bouncing around as a group. The first band, Sun Hill (yes, they are named after The Bill), turned out to be a friend of mine (sort of) and his girlfriend. It was a bit of a shock to be looking at this band and suddenly do the double take "ohmigod! That's Nick!". They were adequate, but not brilliant - nice folky pop sort of stuff, but with only a guitar and keys to back up the voices, the sound was a little thin. I think they would do a lot better with drums and bass behind them, and maybe another guitar to round out the sound.

Next up was Screemfeeder. These guys have been around the Brisbane scene for ages and, as per usual, played a tight set and got about half the crowd up dancing. Unusually for me, I just sat and tapped (my feet that is). They played a mix of old and new and I spent most of my time swivelling my head between the two guitars (who were at opposite ends of the stage with bass in between) as both were very good and they seemed to switch with who played lead and who played rhythm... though that might just have seemed that way to me because I couldn't see the 2nd guitar for a lot of the time from where I was sitting.

About half way through Machine Translations I finally got to my feet to dance. Not that they are more dancey than Screemfeeder, but the rest of the crowd had stood up and I couldn't see from where I was sitting. They were great - I like their mix of music - they remind me a little of Augie March crossed with Gersey. Not that anyone outside of Australia (and possibly a lot in Oz) are going to know what I mean by that comment anyway... Unfortunately, I really don't remember a lot about their set now - I think I was starting to get the 'flu even then. But they've won the highest accolade that this little chickadee can give - next time I'm in Skinnys, I'm going to track down one of their CDs and next time they play in Brisbane, I'll be there with bells on (unless of course, they clash with someone more important).

Anyway, best be off. I have to read through my selection criteria before my interview at lunchtime!

Listening to: nothing - my ears are blocked!


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